Thursday 9 January 2014


We are currently debating on having a boss monster, so I already drew concept of it, I asked my team about what the monster should be like and i was told that it's my choice; so therefore I chose a dragon as the boss.
I made an animated GIF of my work process, I first started with the line art, after tweaking it I went to add the base colours for the horns, teeth and the claws. after that I added the highlights and shadows, then I added the red streak near the eye glow and finally I used "colour balance" to bring out the golden horns and claws.
Animating this will prove to be a challenge, but I'll try my best, I drew this in Photoshop so now I'm going to try and re-draw it in flash where animation will be smoother, if i find that to be way to hard or time consuming then I shall settle for Photoshop's choppy animation.

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