Thursday 5 December 2013

Week 2

We got into groups now and I have to design the characters for the project, in my  team we have 2 artists so we can have more detailed animations and such. I will be designing the new characters, we had a group meeting where we discussed different parts of the game/ elements. My team suggested we keep the characters as spheres/ovals and just change their appearance a little bit. I told the designer that I will get some ideas down and show him each and every idea, this way we will be able to see which one would work best for our game.

 So I started doing some animations in flash, because it's much easier than photoshop and the animations are more fluid and smooth; I started with a stick man animation which was really smooth and I thought would look great in a beat 'em up game because you would be able to see all the joints, hands, feet and the head. however that would mean that we change the art style of the game, also I don't want anyone to think that I was too lazy to make a proper character. one last note about the stick style is that, I have seen flash which just used stick men but the way they were presented made them much more than that, for example there are a series of flash fighting scenes where two stick men fight to death, the punch and the whole fight in general looks believable.

 This is the same style as my pitch GIF, this kind of style can work for a fighting game, this is beacuse i've seen a flash game called "smiley wars" which is basically circles killing other circles with guns. I can do this style easily, but it's not as believable as the stick men.

I can still repersent differenct characters on screen by giving them a different experession and or changing their colour. I might have to make a whole different character, beacuse I want to see what looks best and what performs best.

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